
Thisrepoholds(most)ofthecustomcodethatmakesuptheChromiumOSplatform.Thatlargelycoversdaemons,programs,andlibrariesthatwerewritten ...,RightsinheritedforallChromiumOSProjects.Clonethisrepo:523e379ReviewaccesschangebyAllenLi·11 ...,AChromiumOSbasedimagetobeeasilyinstalled,namedCloudReady.Itshomeeditionisfree.Itisavailableforboth32and64bit.,Chromiumisanopen-sourcebrowserprojectthataimstobuildasafe...


This repo holds (most) of the custom code that makes up the ChromiumOS platform. That largely covers daemons, programs, and libraries that were written ...


Rights inherited for all ChromiumOS Projects. Clone this repo: 523e379 Review access change by Allen Li · 11 ...

Chromium OS install

A Chromium OS based image to be easily installed, named CloudReady. Its home edition is free. It is available for both 32 and 64 bit.

The official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source

Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. The Chromium Project · LICENSE.chromium_os · Get the code ·

Build your Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi 4B, Pi400 and ...

This project is all about building your own Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi as well as offering pre-built images using the provided build artefacts. Issues 10 · · Pull requests 0


All building is done inside the chroot environment. We use chroot to make sure everyone uses the same environment and tools to build Chromium OS.

Alex313031ThoriumOS: ChromiumOS fork with Thorium ...

SYNOPSIS: ThoriumOS aims to be the ChromiumOS counterpart to Thorium. It is based on tip-o-tree, and contains the compiler optimizations of Thorium applied ...

arnoldthebatchromiumos: Stub Repo for chromiumos issues

This project is no longer maintained. Chromium OS is an open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, ...

Build and run your Chromium OS on VMWare virtual machine client

This repository contains necessary files that work with the Chromium OS SDK (cros_sdk) to build Chromium OS image that works with VMWare virtual machine client.


crouton is a set of scripts that bundle up into an easy-to-use, Chromium OS-centric chroot generator. Ubuntu, Debian, and Kali are supported. · Issues 148 · Pull requests 24 · Discussions